How is it April already!?

How is it April already!?

Today is the 1st April, meaning we are now on the 4th month of the year, and I can't quite believe it! We've just returned from a glorious 2 week break in the Canary Islands (scroll for a few snaps), and I am now starting to panic that there is so much to do! 

We welcomed the first lambs of the year yesterday, our gorgeous girl Sunny had another set of twins, that have now been named Moon and Star (thanks Aunty Emily and Cousin Flora for the names). We are checking the rest of the girls every couple of hours to make sure we are on hand if anyone gets into difficulty. We've only got 9 to lamb, but they are part of the family so it is always a nerve wrecking time of year. I can't wait for them all to be out on the lovely green grass in front of our house, and I can watch them charging around while I paint. 

I also attended my first market of the year just before we went away. It was lovely to see lots of new faces and some returning customers (this always makes my heart swell; your continued support means so much). I've got a couple booked in for the Spring this year so I thought I'd let you know in case you fancy popping along:

16th April - Bourne Farmers Market 

28th & 29th May - Burghley Game Fair 

Hoping to add a couple more if you hear of any good ones before the summer. Burghley is my biggest show yet and I am so nervous about it! If you've got any tips, or anything you'd like to see there then do let me know. In fact that's reminded me, must buy more paper bags... Off for now, down the rabbit hole of online shopping! I will try and blog again soon so keep your eyes peeled. 

Adios, Jess x 

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