
Jessica Paints from her family farm in the beautiful Lincolnshire countryside, just outside of Stamford. Much of her work is inspired by her love of animals & the natural world. The Carbon footprint of Prim & Dotty is kept to a minimum, printed in the UK, on recycled card, using recycled envelopes and biodegradable cello-wraps.


My first blog! My wonderful friend Amy has designed my magnificent new website, and she said I need to do a blog, so here we are!! I thought I’d start off by introducing myself properly: my name is Jessica, I’m 31, a Teacher by day, painter/illustrator and Mum by night. I live an incredibly hectic and full on life, but it is all self inflicted and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have a wonderful husband and two effervescent children who are the centre of my world. We have 3 dogs, a cat, 3 ponies, a donkey, 2 chickens, and 20 pet sheep! We live on my family farm and help as much as I can (in all my spare time…). If you follow me on Instagram then you’ll see our pets and the farm feature regularly, and heavily influence my painting. If you don’t follow me, then what are you playing at - @prim.and.dotty go go go! 

So I’ve always loved art and really wanted to pursue it when at school, but my parents rightly said, “nope, you need a proper career, go to uni”. So I studied Sport and Exercise Science, had the time of my life for 3 years, then went to teach “just for a year until I work out what I want to do”. 10 years later I’m still there! But when my gorgeous daughter Philly came along and I needed to make a bit of extra cash (you’ll understand if you’ve ever been on statutory maternity pay!!), I started Prim and Dotty.

prim and dotty blog

Just mainly doing personalised letter art and occasional pet commissions at this stage. Back to work, things fizzled out a bit on the P&D front as I had very little time. Then little Arthur arrived and it reignited my passion for P&D more than ever! I did my first markets, launched my first range of cards, sold prints of my originals, and even got stock in some local shops!

prim and dotty inspiration

I can’t believe how far I’ve come since starting P&D 3 years ago. And now the next big exciting venture is my website!! I’m going to try and blog regularly and invite you into my world, all things Prim and Dotty, painting, farm life etc. Please sign up to my website for all the latest news, offers, blog updates and latest releases! If you got this far, then thanks for reading, see you next time, adios.

prim and dotty chickensprim and dotty tractor