It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life...

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life...

To quote one of the greats, 'and I'm feeling good!'

I'm starting 2023 off feeling really positive and excited for this new chapter. I started painting watercolours back during the plague (covid!) and things were so different then. I was teaching remotely with a 1 year old running rings around me, painting in the evenings and constantly trying to think of ways to make more of a life for me and my family. 3 years later and I've still got a 1 year old running rings around me; but this time I'm not teaching, and 3 of my dreams from 3 years ago have come true!

I am now dedicating more of my time to Prim & Dotty; I'm stocked in several different shops and have some very exciting commissions already lined up. Not to mention my exciting markets this year (read on for details).

My other dream was a glamping site here on the farm - we are so blessed with undisturbed private views and gorgeous wildlife, I really wanted to find a way to share this and make a living from it. If only I'd had the gumption to do this 3 years ago!! But anyways, we are now taking bookings for 'the Hide' from April (link at the bottom).

So that is my little life update for you, and I'm feeling incredibly positive and grateful to have this time to focus on things I'm passionate about. Plus, more time with my family (Arthur was my 3rd wish if you were wondering)!

Exciting 2023 Market news!

I have the following markets booked so far this year: 

Scredington Market - 11th March 

Burghley Game Fair - 28th & 29th May

Heckington Show - 29th & 30th July


For more information on the Hide, follow on instagram @_the_Hide and book here or luxury 1930's railway carriage here:

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